Sunday, March 27, 2011

New Backpack Dilemma

So I've been wanting a backpack for a while now... and stores these days are so unreliable. So I finally remembered! EBAY EXISTS! And it would be cheaper! Or so I thought. I realised for many bags, that are very very very very nice, they're quite expensive ;A;

I have found a few that are keen to my liking, but have difficulty choosing which one I should decide to get >.< SO MY DEAR READERS! LET'S HELP ME PICK A BACKPACK! 

First up we have
Bag No. 1
This bag is quite good, since it can also double as a side bag that you can carry on your shoulder!
This bag costs $4 (pretty good right! :D) with $12 P/H
Bag No. 2
Similar to the bag above, but it's a canvas bag. Not faux leather and with a different design. I really like the should straps on the bag that's why it's on this list lol
It costs $3 with $11.50 P/H

Bag No. 3
Ok I really like this bag~ It's so pretty >.< But also quite expensive :\
Costs $31.50 with free P/H

Bag No. 4
Ok, now this bag is also quite nice/cool. Well I like it ^o^ But it's the same as the above bag ;A;
Costs $31.50 with free P/H

Well... those are the bags that I can't choose between guys. Hoping you can help me :]
I'll post links of the bags below so you can take a closer look at them too, or maybe buy one for yourself... or buy one for me!!! :D


  1. Ello ~
    I like all the bag you've posted up, but I say go with number 4. It looks durable hehe :)

  2. #4!!
    1 and 2 look too small and 3 might damage your stuff as you pull it out. so I'd go with 4 :3

  3. I think it depends on what type of backpack you want? Is it something girly ? Something durable? etcetc.

    Personally #4 seems the best choice atm. Why don't you look at other places too? Like Linda and I bought our bags from : :)

  4. Number 2 please! Altho I'm not quite sure if it's really real leather? For that price? It look rather small..


  5. I'm gonna have to say #4... purely because of the skull

  6. personally, i like bags #2 and #4. also, the flexibility of bag #2 seems pretty cool.
